TAKASHIMA Megumu|高嶋 慈
美術・舞台芸術批評。京都市立芸術大学芸術資源研究センター研究員。ウェブマガジン「artscape」と「京都新聞」にて連載。ジェンダーやクィア、歴史の(再)表象などを軸に、現代美術とパフォーミングアーツを横断的に批評する。近刊の共著に『百瀬文 口を寄せる Momose Aya: Interpreter』(美術出版社、2023)。論文に「アメリカ国立公文書館所蔵写真にみる、接収住宅と「占領」の眼差し」(『COMPOST』vol.03、2022)。
Art and performing arts critic. Researcher at the Art Resource Research Center, Kyoto City University of Arts. They are regularly featured in the web magazine, artscape, and Kyoto Shimbun. Based on themes such as gender, queer, and (re-)presentation of history, they review contemporary art and performing arts with a cross-sectional perspective. Their most recent collective writing is Momose Aya: Interpreter (Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha, 2023). Among their academic articles is “The gaze of requisitioned housing and ‘occupation’ through the photographs archived at the National Archives and Records Administration” (COMPOST vol.03, 2022).