Ryudai Takano|鷹野 隆大

撮影:山﨑 美奈|Photo: Mina Yamazaki
1963年生まれ。セクシュアリティをテーマに1994年より作家活動を開始。女か男か、同性愛か異性愛かといった二項対立の狭間にある曖昧なものの可視化を試みた写真集『IN MY ROOM』で2006年に第31回木村伊兵衛写真賞を受賞。他方、毎日欠かさず撮ることを自らに課したプロジェクト『毎日写真』を1998年に開始し、その中から日本特有の無秩序な都市空間を集めた写真集『カスババ』を発表(2011年)。その後、東日本大震災を機に影をテーマに様々な作品制作に取り組んでいる。2021年、国立国際美術館(大阪)にて個展『毎日写真1999-2021』を開催。2022年、第72回 芸術選奨 文部科学大臣賞受賞(美術部門)、第38回写真の町東川賞国内作家賞受賞。

Born in 1963. His artistic practice themed upon sexuality began in 1994. He received the 31st Kimura Ihei Award in 2006 for his book IN MY ROOM attempting to visualize the ambiguous in-between that emerges with dualities–female or male; homosexuality or heterosexuality, and more. He began taking the “Daily Photographs” in 1998 and set himself the task of taking pictures every day without fail. A selection of these images depicting the chaotic city unique to Japan led to his photobook, Kasubaba (2011). After the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, he shifted his focus to shadows, continuously producing numerous works. In 2021, his solo-exhibition “Daily Photographs 1999-2021” opened at the National Museum of Art Osaka and in 2022, he was awarded the 72nd Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award for Art Encouragement (Art Department) and 38th Higashikawa Domestic Photographer Award.
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