Lesley A. Martin|レスリー・マーティン

「Printted Mater」エグゼクティブ・ディレクター。写真メディア「Aperture」の前クリエイティブ・ディレクター、「The PhotoBook Review」の創刊出版社、「Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards」の共同設立者。これまでアン・ミー・レー『Small Wars』、川内倫子『Illuminance』、『LaToya Ruby Frazier: The Notion of Family』、ザネレ・ムホリ『Somnyama Ngonyama』や、ポーリン・ヴェルメールと共編した『I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now』など、150冊以上もの写真関連書籍の編集に携わってきた。2016年より、イエール大学芸術大学院の非常勤講師。

Lesley A. Martin is executive director of Printed Mater. Formerly, she was the creative director of Aperture; founding publisher of The PhotoBook Review; and the cofounder of the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards. She has edited more than one-hundred and fifty books of photography, including An-My Lê’s Small Wars; Illuminance by Rinko Kawauchi; LaToya Ruby Frazier: The Notion of Family; Zanele Muholi: Somnyama Ngonyama; and I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers, from the 1950s to Now, co-edited with Pauline Vermare. Since 2016, she has been a visiting critic at the Yale University Graduate School of Art. 

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