Hiroshi Suganuma|菅沼 比呂志
1963年生れ。’87年(株)リクルート入社。’90年若手作家を支援するギャラリー「ガーディアン・ガーデン」の立上げに参加。以後、若い世代の新しい表現を求めた公募展『ひとつぼ展』(’92~’08年)、「1_WALL」(’09年~’22年)等に携わる。’17年よりフリーに。’18年「粒子にのせた言葉~日本現代写真の源流」展(古隠写真美術館/韓国佂山)、’21年「とどまってみえるもの」展(横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野)を企画。また、平遥国際写真フェスティバル、テグ・フォト・ビエンナーレ、Young Art Taipei、Belfast Photo Festival等で展覧会企画やポートフォリオレビューのレビュアーを努める。ʻ17年よりT3 Photo Festival Tokyo、’21年より東川町国際写真フェスティバ ル・受賞作家展の企画に参加。
Independent curator / Part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University, Japan College of Photography and Art, and Tokyo Polytechnic University.
Born in 1963. He joined Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. in 1987. In 1990, he took part in the launch of “Guardian Garden”, a gallery aimed to support emerging artists. Ever since, he has been involved in competitions such as the “Hitotsubo Photography Exhibition” (1992~2008) and “1_WALL” (2009~2022) which seek new forms of expression by the younger generation. He became an independent curator in 2017. Among his exhibitions are “The Origins of Japanese Contemporary Photography - Film grain as words” (2018, Goeun Museum of Photography), “Todomatte mierumono” (2021, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino). He was also involved in curations and portfolio reviews at festivals like Pingyao International Photography Festival, Daegu Photo Biennale, Young Art Taipei, and Belfast Photo Festival. He has been working with T3 Photo Festival Tokyo from 2017, and the Higashikawa International Photo Festival Award Winners’ exhibition from 2021.